Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moms Can Run Marathons Too!

Moms run marathons, everyday. Or at least we feel like we do. When nighttime finally comes around, I usually look like I havent showered in days, my hair is a disaster, the circles under my eyes have become darker than I ever thought possible, and there is some sort of magnetic force between me and my bed. Face it, I'm exhausted!

So then why would I want to run 26.2 miles... for fun?

Well, after a long day of playing the roles of laundry machine operator, janitor, van driver, housekeeper, cook, teacher, counselor, disciplinarian, builder, mediator, translator, and "mom," sometimes the only thing I want to do is get out of the house and RUN!

For me, running is empowering. It gives me a sense of clarity. And face it, after become an expert in toddler-ese, sometimes my mind needs a good dose of fresh air! Plus, losing weight and toning up is a pleasant bonus!

So I've decided to take the enormous challenge of running a marathon and make it a reality! Because... why not? I truly believe that if anyone can run (and finish) a marathon, it's a mom! We endure, we don't give up, we press on, we go non-stop every hour of every day. We were made for marathons!

Follow me on my transformation from a recreational runner to a Marathon Mommy! My blog will contain tips, advice, Q & A's with experts, product recommendations, great running finds, cool websites and much more! And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to take the Marathon Mommy Challange with me!