I have a passion for running, but also for health and fitness in general. So when I came across an article about how Jake Gyllenhaal completely transformed his body for "Prince of Persia," I was interested!
Simon Waterson, Jake's trainer, has beefed up celebs like Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig for the James Bond films.
Here is the intense workout schedule and eating plan:
► Morning Workout: An hour-and-a-half cardio workout while wearing a 20 lb. flak jacket to simulate the weight of armor. Interval training (10 minute uphill sprint, followed by abs exercises). Repeat sequence five times, then a 10 minute run, followed by stretching.
► Breakfast: An egg-white omelet, a small protein shake and an isotonic drink to replenish salts lost during training.
► Lunch: Baked potato with tuna and salad.
► Evening Workout: An hour of resistance training using cables to simulate sword fights; pull-ups, press-ups, abs exercises using weights; finish with stretching.
► Dinner: Soup and a protein shake
► Snacks/supplements: Two liters of water, protein bars, dark chocolate, supplements rich in omega-3, 6 and 9. No foods containing refined sugar, occasional glass of wine allowed.
Soup for dinner while filming in the desert? Uck, no thanks.