Thursday, July 29, 2010

Take a Baby Asprin Before Running

Marathons take a huge toll on the body, according to health experts. I came across an interesting article that gave some tips for those thinking about running a marathon.

Here are the highlights:

** Runners should take one baby aspirin (81 mg) the morning of the race unless they have a medical reason not to.

** Runners should drink no more than one cup of coffee before the race.

** Runners should consume salt in drinks, gels, or food during the race.

** Runners should take a break to recover after the race. This means taking a rest from strenuous running for a week or two.

** Running for long distances creates “microtears’’ in the muscles. And past about 20 miles, all the energy from glycogen stored in muscle has been converted. If the glycogen has not been replenished by high-carb feeds along the way, muscles will shut down!

For even more tips and information, go to the article originally published in the Boston Globe: 26.2 Miles Takes A Toll On The Body

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Must. Buy. This.

A kid treadmill!!

You can never prepare a child too soon for those morning runs with mom ;)

I love it!!

Cool Website!

If you're looking to join a running group in your area specifically for moms, check out this website and see if there is a group near you. And if there is not, create your own!

Website: See Mommy Run

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Male Mentor

Dean Karnazes is superhuman. He's the guy that ran 50 marathons in 50 states on 50 consecutive days. He's also the guy that ran a full 48 hrs on a treadmill in NYC in attempt to break the world record of 240 miles. (Unfortunately, he fell short at 211). Dean won the Badwater Ultra-marathon (that's the 134 mile race in 120 degree heat - Death Valley) as well as numerous other ultra-marathons across the country. I could go on and on about this guy. I'm sure I will have more postings about Dean, because he is just so interesting to follow. The man is crazy! If you love to run, you must read his book "Ultra-marathon Man: Confessions Of An All Night Runner." And if you're lacking a little willpower, I guarantee his book will give you this insane desire to go outside and run a marathon

"Somewhere along the line, we seemed to confuse comfort with happiness."
- Dean Karnazes on pushing himself to the limit.

My Female Mentor

Every runner needs a mentor, at least in my humble opinion. And it doesn't even have to be someone you necessarily know. Just someone who you can follow, someone who inspires you to keep going. There is one particular woman who does that for me. Her name is Kara Goucher. She's a long distance runner - born in Queens - who became the first American woman to receive a medal in the NYC Marathon since 1994. She's also had a plethora of other accomplishments that you can read more about here.

I like Kara because she's this all-American girl who holds her own with the other elite athletes from Kenya and all over the world. And best of all, she's a mama too ;)

Monday, July 26, 2010

When The Girls Go South... Finding A Sports Bra

Is it just me, or does it seem like my girls have lengthened their "bounce" just a little bit in the past few years? Especially after having two kids. And I must confess, I'm guilty of wearing not one, but two bras when I run. I find it distracting when they move, so Im much more comfortable when they're plastered to my chest. That way, I can"forget" they're there! I've heard some women complain about their size A's, but a small size sure would come in handy for us runners! Not that Im complaining, but it would be one less sports bra to wear ;)

So I turned to the Internet for some answers about ONE supportive bra that would keep me tight and compact. I came across this article that gives the best suggestions for sizes A, B, C, D and D "plus." Hopefully I can find a bra that works for me and eliminate the inconvenience of scouring the room, in the dark, with my hubby asleep to find those two essentials that never seem to be together in the same place!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal's Body Transformation

I have a passion for running, but also for health and fitness in general. So when I came across an article about how Jake Gyllenhaal completely transformed his body for "Prince of Persia," I was interested!

Simon Waterson, Jake's trainer, has beefed up celebs like Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig for the James Bond films.

Here is the intense workout schedule and eating plan:

► Pre-workout Snack: Half a banana, some nuts and an espresso.

► Morning Workout: An hour-and-a-half cardio workout while wearing a 20 lb. flak jacket to simulate the weight of armor. Interval training (10 minute uphill sprint, followed by abs exercises). Repeat sequence five times, then a 10 minute run, followed by stretching.

► Breakfast: An egg-white omelet, a small protein shake and an isotonic drink to replenish salts lost during training.

► Lunch: Baked potato with tuna and salad.

► Evening Workout: An hour of resistance training using cables to simulate sword fights; pull-ups, press-ups, abs exercises using weights; finish with stretching.

► Dinner: Soup and a protein shake

► Snacks/supplements: Two liters of water, protein bars, dark chocolate, supplements rich in omega-3, 6 and 9. No foods containing refined sugar, occasional glass of wine allowed.

Soup for dinner while filming in the desert? Uck, no thanks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Quick & Easy Warm Up Routine

Why warm up?

Most people say to avoid injury. And thats correct. But it's also to get the most out of your workout. The warm up gets your whole cardiovascular system ready to run by slowly increasing your heart rate and blood flow. This leads to reduction of injury AND better performance. And us mama's know that we have NO time for injury and at the same time we want results for our hard work. So don't forget this important first step!

Here' an awesome warm up I found on Runners World website. It's a series of 5 moves that are easy enough to do before each run... and not too time consuming either! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My New Shoes...

So I figured now is the time to break into my new running shoes.

I wanted a shoe that was lightweight, durable and made specifically for running (both outdoor and indoor).

After a little investigative research, I concluded that the Avia AVI Bolt/ A2111 may be the shoes for me. According to Avia, this shoe softens impact, stabilizes the heel and provides increased energy return! What was that? Energy return? Maybe I'll wear these shoes around the house as well ;)

As soon as I get them, I'll post a review!

Top 5 Gear Essentials

If we want to run (and run well) we must have the proper gear, right?
Here is elite runner, Steve DeKoker's top five essentials for running success.

1. Running Shoes
2. Running Socks: Ex) Brooks Utopia Mini
3. Running Singlet & Shorts: Ex) I.D. Elite singlet and shorts
4. Anti-Chafe Product: Band aids on the nipples and any anti-shafe protector!
5. Disposable Wardrobe: Find old sweatshirts in thrift stores that you don't mind tossing at the starting line.

Click on the article for the specifics!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Training Schedule

My ultimate goal is to run Nashville's Country Music Marathon in 2012. (Any takers?!) So the next year will be to prepare me for that big day!!

I plan on running a number of 5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons throughout 2011. But until then, I will be TRAINING for them. I found an awesome training schedule in Fitness Magazine designed by Andrew Kastor, who creates online training programs for the New York Road Runners club. Here is the link: Andrew Kastor Training Schedule

Moms Can Run Marathons Too!

Moms run marathons, everyday. Or at least we feel like we do. When nighttime finally comes around, I usually look like I havent showered in days, my hair is a disaster, the circles under my eyes have become darker than I ever thought possible, and there is some sort of magnetic force between me and my bed. Face it, I'm exhausted!

So then why would I want to run 26.2 miles... for fun?

Well, after a long day of playing the roles of laundry machine operator, janitor, van driver, housekeeper, cook, teacher, counselor, disciplinarian, builder, mediator, translator, and "mom," sometimes the only thing I want to do is get out of the house and RUN!

For me, running is empowering. It gives me a sense of clarity. And face it, after become an expert in toddler-ese, sometimes my mind needs a good dose of fresh air! Plus, losing weight and toning up is a pleasant bonus!

So I've decided to take the enormous challenge of running a marathon and make it a reality! Because... why not? I truly believe that if anyone can run (and finish) a marathon, it's a mom! We endure, we don't give up, we press on, we go non-stop every hour of every day. We were made for marathons!

Follow me on my transformation from a recreational runner to a Marathon Mommy! My blog will contain tips, advice, Q & A's with experts, product recommendations, great running finds, cool websites and much more! And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to take the Marathon Mommy Challange with me!