Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Blog has MOVED!!

I am no longer Marathon Mommy. I'm now Watch Mom Run. Sorry for the Confusion!!

Follow me at

Thanks so much!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dogs Need Protection Too

If you're a regular to my blog, you know I have talked about dogs being great running companions (although my own is not. She's very spoiled).

Anyhow- if you are taking them out running with you, esp in the snow and ice, please remember to protect their paws!!!! Not only can they get frostbite, the de-icing agents on the road can be toxic. Here's how to protect them:

1. Protective Footwear (booties) >>>> find here

2. Dog hates booties? Try Musher's Secret, a waxed base paw protector >>> find here

3. Rinse off feet and dry with towel when you get home (helps to get all the chemicals off)

Hope that helps you and Fido have many happy winter runs!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Think Speed Decreases With Age?? Think Again.

Have you ever heard of a 45-year old woman who could run a 5:45 mile over 26.2 miles and include 100 mile training days in her week, all the while raising a teenager and a toddler? I hadn't until this morning.

Meet Colleen De Reuck. She is everything I described above, and more. To make her even more admirable, she doesn't consider herself a "talented athlete," instead attributing her success to hard work and perseverance.

Whatta lady. Props to Colleen De Reuck!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dean's Secret

I've talked about my idol before - Dean Karnazes. Okay. He's not really my idol per se. I don't aspire to run 135 miles in 120 degree heat (badwater), nor do I plan on tackling 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days, nor does the idea of a 48-hour (nonstop) treadmill run in the middle of Times Square remotely appeal to me. BUT I do admire his endurance. And that is something I'd like to have more of. Wouldn't everyone?

So what's his secret? I'll tell you what it's not. STRETCHING. Yep. Karno does not stretch. Straight from the horse's mouth. Well, Im scribbling that one off my list.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winter Denial

I refuse to believe that winter is here full force.

I refuse.

The strong wind gusts outside my door? Didn't hear it.

The glaze of ice that catches my eye in the early mornings? Don't notice it.

The little white flakes that appear now and then? Hm. Strange.

And I'm still wearing as little layers as possible in an attempt to trick myself into believing it's really not that cold. I will continue to do this until my eyelids freeze over and I am forced to run inside.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Saran Wrap Your Feet

What? This was the strangest thing I had ever heard. But let me tell you, it works. Saran Wrap really does prevent moisture (and in turn, cold) from getting to your feet. I read this on a blog sometime last year, and I had forgotten about it until now.

How to do it? Put your socks on, wrap feet up in saran wrap, fold over and slip on your shoes. Now go trot through some puddles or wet slush. Doesn't matter. You're feet will stay DRY.

What runners will do to get in a (comfortable) run ;)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Japanese Men Now Think Running Is "Cool"

I know, I know. I'm supposed to be blogging all things running and mom. But this article crossed my desk (aka- twitter account- @MomMeRuns) and I couldn't pass it up.

Supposedly, there is a spike in sales of running shoes and apparel in Japan because middle aged men are taking over the marathons! They now find it "cool" to be so called runners. Middle aged marathon mania. LOVE IT! Hey, we understand. We're a big fan of running here too.